For every Customer input, the decision service is able to determine what the appropriate loan rate is. 对于每个Customer输入,决策服务都能够确定适当的贷款利率。
Assume there is a Java EE web-based loan quotation application that takes in customer information and invokes the decision service to determine the loan rate if the loan application is eligible. 假设有一个基于web的JavaEE贷款报价应用程序,它获取客户信息,并调用决策服务来确定贷款利率(如果贷款申请符合条件)。
The last step is to invoke the decision service and print the loan rate. 最后一步是调用决策服务和打印贷款利率。
The loan rate will be returned in a updated customer object via customer. getLoan(). getRate(). 贷款利率将在通过customer.getLoan().getRate()更新的客户对象中返回。
For simplicity, we determine the loan rate with the loan amount and the age of the applicant provided. 为简单起见,我们根据贷款额和申请人的年龄确定贷款利率。
Currently in the state owned Business Banks the loan rate is descending. Under the circumstances, there are still three big contradictions to surmount. 当前,在国有商业银行不良贷款率趋于下降的情况下,仍然存在着三大矛盾需要克服。
The band loan rate is unbelievably high. 银行贷款利率高得太离谱。
The call loan rate can change on a daily basis, and the loan can also be canceled with 24 hours notice. 通知贷款率每天都会浮动,也可以在24小时内取消贷款。
Measurement results show that a non-performing loan rate is significantly inhibited by public and private credit bureau in the whole sample and developed countries. 计量结果表明:在全样本和发达国家中,公共征信、私营征信都对不良贷款率有显著的抑制作用。
Loan rate pricing of SME financing based on agent-based computational finance approach 中小企业贷款利率定价的计算实验方法
The Effectiveness of Floating Loan Rate Policy: the Market Structure and Policy Shock 市场结构与政策冲击:贷款利率浮动政策效应研究
This paper analyzes many factors that influence nongovernmental investments, using the method of Partial Least-Square Regression. The regression result shows that improving final consumption rate and decreasing loan rate of the banks might have positive influence on increasing the total amount of non-governmental investments. 针对影响民间投资的众多因素,我们用偏最小二乘法进行了回归分析,结果显示,提高最终消费率、降低银行贷款利率等措施将对提高民间投资总额起到积极作用。
China Bank increased the interest rates on Oct.28, 2004, and broadened fluctuation of Renminbi loan rate. 针对这些问题,中国人民银行于2004年10月28日上调金融机构存贷款基准利率,并放宽人民币贷款利率浮动区间。
And then on both theoretical side and empirical side, the affection that four chief dynamical factors including supply and demand relation of real estate, exploitation cost, business loan rate and family's annual income affecting real estate price is analyzed in this paper. 然后从理论和实证两个方面分析了房地产供给和需求关系、开发成本、商业贷款利率和家庭年收入四个主要影响因素对房地产价格的影响;
The different credit policies of state-owned commercial banks, city commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives under the floating loan rate policy adopted in 2004 are interesting. 2004年的贷款利率浮动政策对国有银行、城市商业银行和农村信用社在信贷市场上的行为塑造作用是值得研究的。
This paper uses non-performed loan rate to measure credit risks of commercial banks, and constructs the Logit model for credit risk evaluation. 以不良贷款率作为信用风险衡量标准,尝试构造商业银行信用风险评估的Logit模型,并结合t检验和主成分分析法对模型进行实证分析。
This paper empirically studies the loan rate pricing by state-owned banks and rural credit cooperatives in 17 counties of south Jiangxi province. Conclusions are as follows. 本文对江西赣南17个县的国有银行和农村信用社定价模式进行实证研究,结论如下:第一,城乡金融机构的定价区间存在显著差异说明信贷市场存在城乡之间的分割。
The paper believes that the ratio of utility changes that brought forward by the scale and quality's alterations under a rational bank equals to the ratio of the margin between deposit and loan rate over loan-induced deposit rate. 本文通过建立一个含有规模、质量、效益效用因子的信贷配给模型,分析认为理性的银行对规模和质量的变动而带来的效用变化的比率等于存贷利差与贷款吸存率的比;
Now, The level of our country commercial bank risk manage is widespread and lower, and the bad loan rate of whole bank system is higher, far higher than international warn line. 从当前我国银行信贷风险管理情况来看,我国商业银行风险管理水平普遍较低,整个银行体系不良贷款率偏高,远远高于国际警戒线。
Thirdly, rural finance institutions will benefit from the broaden gap between loan rate and saving rate in the short run, but it should improve its efficiency to realize the persistence in the finance in the long run. 第三,农村金融机构在短期内将受益于存贷利差的扩大,实现财务上的可持续发展,长期地看,其要想维持财务上的可持续性,必须着眼于自身效率的提高。
At the present, as controlling to bad loan rate was taken into account, commercial banks had tightened the credit. 目前,商业银行出于对控制不良贷款率的考虑,施行了信贷紧缩。
So it is a new issue of finance institution that establishing a correct and effective forecast model which evaluates the enterprise or individual credit and confirm a kind of effective settle scheme and reduce bad loan rate. 因此建立一个准确、高效的预测模型,对贷款企业或个人信用进行评估,确定一套行之有效的贷款解决方案,降低不良贷款率是金融机构面临的一个全新课题。
Bank's payoff space shrinks due to the reduced margin between deposit and loan rate which is the major resource of bank's profit. 降息和利率下浮,存贷利差的缩小使得以此为主要收益来源的银行盈利空间进一步缩小。
When the human capital investment income greater than the lending rate, the family investment in human capital can reduce the income gap, When the human capital investment income less than the loan rate, the family of human capital investment will widen income gap. 当人力资本投资收益率大于贷款利率时,家庭人力资本投资可以缩小收入差距,当人力资本投资收益小于贷款利率时,家庭人力资本投资反而会扩大收入差距。
In particular, Chinese SOEs and collectives have lower loan rate than other ownership groups. 与越南不同,在中国,与其他所有权形式的企业相比,国有企业和集体企业拥有的贷款比例较低。
In terms of equity structure, corporate shareholding stake and natural persons shareholding stake are positively related, but not significant, to non-performing loan rate, which demonstrates that they have no effect on the process of non-performing loan rate. 在股权结构方面,法人持股比例和自然人持股比例与不良贷款率正相关但是不显著,表明法人持股与自然人持股对农信社不良贷款率没有明显的影响。
The non-performing loan rate is an important indicator of induced financial crisis, also decided the bank profit ratio and core competitiveness of the important factors. 不良贷款率是诱发金融危机的重要指标,也是决定银行盈利力和核心竞争力的重要因素。
Second described the level of farmer personal credit inner affect the loan interest rate, and giving the method that the RCC forme the loan rate right now. 其次对农户个人信用水平对贷款利率内在影响做了叙述,并叙述现在农村信用社贷款利率形成的方法。